Heart Wisdom with Sherry Belul , Angela Lomenzo, Karen C. Anderson and Brenda Knight.
April 24

Heart Wisdom with Sherry Belul , Angela Lomenzo, Karen C. Anderson and Brenda Knight.

Mother's Day is right around the corner. Although Hallmark makes it look sweet and simple, this is one day that sure can bring up a lot of complex emotions and layers of feelings.
Maybe we love our mom so much, but we miss her because she lives far away or has passed away? Maybe we feel unspoken anger or resentment toward our mom? Maybe our own mother was absent and we celebrate a mother figure in our life? Maybe we are a parent ourselves and feel shame or guilt around the way we've mothered? Maybe we regret that we never had children — or that we did? Maybe we grieve the children we weren't able to have or that miscarried or passed away?
These are just a few examples of how complicated Mother's Day can be.
No doubt about it, the topic of moms and motherhood contains a whole spectrum of human emotions. Maybe all of them at once!
What do we do to help ourselves navigate the myriad emotions and complexities on a day that is usually presented as all flowers and chocolate?
How do we create space within ourselves and in community to share ALL aspects of motherhood?
Our Mango authors can help!
Join us at our upcoming Mango Publishing Author Panel where we will discuss many aspects of Mother's Day — and doing it all with lots of compassion, wisdom, and heart.
Our guest authors, Karen C.L. Anderson ("You Are Not Your Mother") and Angela LoMenzo (“Wisdom of Wildly Creative Women,”) will share stories and practical ideas about emotional traumas of all kinds.
Mango Publisher, Brenda Knight, will also be on the panel!
The panel is facilitated by Sherry Richert Belul (“Say it Now.”)
Mango Author Panels are a great way to get a behind-the-scenes look at the publishing world and what goes on in authors' heads. They are always interactive, often intriguing, and especially warm and inspiring.
Join us via Facebook Live on the Mango Publishing Page: www.facebook.com/mangopublishing
Angela LoMenzo, author of “Wisdom of Wildly Creative Women,” grew up in an interfaith and multicultural environment, surrounded by a family of artists, musicians, and an Academy Award-winning grandfather. She is fiercely passionate about women’s issues and human rights, as well as advocating for animals and the environment. Writing, art, and photography have been her outlet for self-expression for as long as she can remember. Angela is also a makeup artist, creative director, and certified Chopra meditation instructor.
Karen C.L. Anderson is an author, storyteller, and master-certified life coach who works adult daughters to create safety, intentional identity, and healthy boundaries so they can take care of themselves in the relationship they have with their mothers.
She holds an Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching, a Master Life Coach Certification from the Life Coach School, is a Dare To Lead Trained Professional, A Healthy Boundaries for Kind People coach and facilitator, and is an Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner. Karen is author of "You Are Not Your Mother: Releasing Generational Trauma & Shame," (2023); "The Difficult Mother-Daughter Relationship Journal" (2020); "Overcoming Creative Anxiety," (2020); and "Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters.” (2018)
Mango publisher, Brenda Knight, began her career at HarperCollins working with luminaries Paolo Coelho, Marianne Williamson and Huston Smith. Brenda was awarded IndieFab’s "Publisher of the Year" in 2014 by the American Library Association and she previously served as president of the Women’s National Book Association, SF Chapter. A scholar of medieval literature and modern poetry, Brenda lives in San Francisco, California.
Sherry Richert Belul, author of “Say it Now: 33 Creative Ways to Say I Love You to the Most Important People in Your Life,” is founder of Simply Celebrate, a business dedicated to helping people live colorful, connected, creative lives of love and appreciation.
From:   April 24, 2024 - 1:30 PM
To:  April 24, 2024 - 2:30 PM