TheNerdyGirlExpress / Create Book Review from @kleffnotes
November 13

TheNerdyGirlExpress / Create Book Review from @kleffnotes

Marc Silber is a best-selling author, award-wining creative and educator who wants to help you rediscover the artist within you. Many people think that creative energy is something that only certain people have or that they will never be as creative as other people. While you might trapped by not being able to create or maybe you have a creative outlet that gives you a brief window of time to delve into your creative energies, Silber wants to unlock barriers for you and allow you to be the best creator that you can be in Create.

The main focus of this book is unlocking the cycle of creativity that those who use their creative powers to make a living fully understand. You need to begin by understanding the steps of the cycle: visualize, know your tools, work your craft, refine, share. Once you understand these elements you can utilize them in order to make creative gains at your highest level. Beyond helping you to utilize the cycle of creativity, Silber also examines that pitfalls that can keep you from achieving to your highest level. In order to fully create you must push away procrastination, overthinking, and self doubt. As you work through all of these elements you will be able to truly embrace your best creative self.

This book allows you to see how other people have made their lives into a creative haven through their own choices. By seeing those who have achieved the ability to use their creativity every day, as well as benefit from it in a way that allows them to do it as their primary focus, you can see how allowing yourself to be a creative person can benefit you. Through storytelling Silber is pushing readers to use their own imaginations to connect with the people he has presented in order to find their own connection to the idea of creativity. In order to help you work through this process he also includes activities for you to complete that allow you to better understand yourself and the creative process within you. If you are looking to become more creative and grow your skills this is the book for you. You can get your copy of Create: Tools from Seriously Talented People to Unleash Your Creative Life today.




Original post found here.
