Psych Central / 10 Strategies for Recharging on the Spot
February 27

Psych Central / 10 Strategies for Recharging on the Spot

10 Strategies for Recharging on the Spot
Margarita Tartakovsky, Psych Central

While it would be nice to have an entire day to recharge, it’s not necessary. And if you wait until you have a full day off (from work or parenting or any other countless responsibilities you have), you’ll likely be incredibly exhausted—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to recharge on the spot, whether you’re responding to emails at your desk, sitting on the subway, or dealing with a tantruming toddler (yes, really).

Below, you’ll find an assortment of soothing strategies to try anywhere—from breathing techniques to mindset shifts.

Take a virtual vacation. This is a great way to give your mind a break, said Paula Rizzo, founder of and author of several books, including her latest Listful Living. Specifically, she suggested making a list of places you’d like to visit. Then open up Google Maps, and set a timer for 15 minutes to learn more about each destination, letting your mind wander to far-off lands.


Read the entire article here:
